Extra kilos were called with winter diet!
Extra kilos were called with winter diet!

Winter diet is a different method of losing weight gained during this cold season, and protects the body from complications of strict diets to remove the accumulated pounds and fat. Therefore, we invite you to discover its advantages and how to apply it more correctly through this topic from the site of femininity.
Why is winter diet harder when applying?
- Decreased serotonin in the body due to lack of contact with the sun, increases the desire to eat foods containing carbohydrates, ie sweets and sugar.
- The mood of the individual in the winter to keep away from eating vegetables rich in fiber and vitamins, which inhibit the feeling of hunger during the day. Therefore, abandoning vegetables leads individuals to choose dishes and foods that adjust their mood.
- Low heat increases the feeling of hunger.
- During the cold season, the body needs more energy and food to work and move properly.
- The resort to hot drinks in the winter makes it more difficult to apply dieting in the winter, especially when adding sugar to it.
How do you apply winter diet?
First, drink plenty of water and try to get 2 liters of water a day.
Second, schedule your mealtime, and get daily main meals on schedule.
Thirdly, never give up on vegetables. These natural products such as artichoke, broccoli, broccoli, squash, rapeseed, carrots and mushrooms will keep your weight during the winter.
Fourth, do not succumb to cold in winter, walk for half an hour a day, or Marcy home sports.
Fifth, eat before lunch and dinner, vegetable soup or lentil soup is to improve the digestive system.
Sixth, do not add sugar to your hot drinks, choose ginger, green tea, cinnamon ...