How to Lower Blood Pressure ?

  How to Lower Blood Pressure ?
How to Lower Blood Pressure ?
How to Lower Blood Pressure ?
How to Lower Blood Pressure Some people may not know that they have high blood pressure. What is worse, they may only discover it by chance; by detecting any other pathogen, such as gastrointestinal disorders, Bones, etc. It is known that the measurement of pressure is important to the doctor to pay great attention to any disease may be received, and then measure the pressure, and discover the tragedy is that the pressure is very high, and the patient himself does not believe it, only when The doctor presents him with a measuring tape, and we will review in this article: What is a high grind I blood, and what are the causes ?, and how to download the pressure ?.

What is high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is scientifically known as "arterial hypertension," a patient condition that a patient should pay attention to as well as any disease that may afflict humans. This may contribute to the stress of the heart muscle that is required at the time The work is more important, so that the role assigned to the pumping of blood to all vessels and arteries of the body, and the pressure consists of two types of pressure, diastolic and contractile, where the doctor to obtain the pressure in the case of myocardial contraction, and in the case of extinction or laxity, It is compressed under normal conditions 80-120.
What are the causes of high blood pressure?

Several medical studies have indicated that the main causes of high blood pressure are:

  Stress and constant anxiety that accompany the human in his daily life, whether in work or study or within the family corridors of the causes of high pressure, and it is important that the person is careful to calm in all the difficulties he faces.
  Obesity leads to high blood pressure; due to the increasing rate of cholesterol and harmful fats in all parts of the body, a narrow occurrence of vessels and arteries that pass blood to the heart.
  Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption are high blood pressure triggers, so it is wise to quit those bad habits, so that they do not lead to negative effects that may not be felt by those who eat them, until after a while.
  The bad habits of some to eat food, as there are those who prefer to increase salt food on all meals, and salt in general is one of the causes of high blood pressure, so should be moderate in the treatment.
  Genetic factors may have an effect on high blood pressure, such as if one of the parents has genes responsible for high blood pressure, and thus it is passed on to successive generations with the same effects.
  Diabetes is a disease that is associated with high blood pressure disease; due to the low or high rate of insulin in the blood; which leads to an effect on the blood vessels, and thus blood movement.
How to download compression?

There are many ways and means of reducing high blood pressure as follows:

  It is possible to do this by infusing a quantity of hibiscus in pure water for 110 hours and then taking two cups daily and we will see a positive result.
  Pomegranate juice contributes to the reduction of pressure because of its great ability to contract the veins and veins of the body to benefit the patient in this regard.
  Daily intake of water is a healthy thing for body organs and organs, and it is also suitable for lowering blood pressure in the body.
  Several studies have indicated that chocolate is one of the methods used to reduce stress. A study of 10 patients with stress, 60 grams of chocolate daily and 12 days, was positive in lowering pressure.
  Mulberry juice contains many antioxidants and infections, which prevent the occurrence of damage or accumulation of fat on the walls of the internal vessels, which contributes to the rapid reduction of pressure.
So we have explained the answer to the question how to reduce the pressure?

Keywords: How to lower high pressure ?, How to download high pressure ?, How to download pressure, A way to download pressure.

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