Dry mouth. Difficulty swallowing and tooth decay

Dry mouth. Difficulty swallowing and tooth decay

Dry mouth (Xerostomia) is a condition in which the secretion of saliva, resulting in effects on the health of the mouth and teeth and the comfort of the person.
The saliva moisturizes the food in the mouth and dissolves the flavors in it so that the taste buds can sense its taste, and feed the food camps, making swallowing easier.
It protects the teeth and gums from containing anti-bacterial drugs that resist growth in the mouth, washing food residues, equating acids produced by bacteria, attacking the structure of the tooth (leading to cavities) and thus reducing the risk of tooth decay. Saliva also contains digestive enzymes that begin to break down food that continues in the stomach and intestines.
Decreasing the amount of saliva in the mouth results in the following symptoms:
Feeling dry continuously.
Feeling that saliva is thick textures.
Difficult speech.
Difficulty swallowing.
Bad breath.
Increased incidence of gingivitis, tooth decay and oral fungal infections.
Dry and cracked lips.
Change the sense of taste of foods.
In addition to the above, women may feel lipstick sticking to the teeth, because there is insufficient saliva to moisten them.
Aging leads to lower salivary glands in the mouth, which explains the adults' complaints about a change in food taste, and that "vegetables and fruit have been a good time", and some treatments and health conditions reduce saliva production.
the cure
Depending on the cause of the dry mouth, the doctor may adjust the treatments taken by the patient and cause a decrease in secretion of saliva, and may prescribe drugs that stimulate secretion.
It helps the treatment:
Chewing sugar-free chewing gum, stimulates saliva production and poses no risk to dental health.
Stop smoking and use tobacco products, they aggravate the symptoms of the disease and it destroys the gums.
Avoid acidic and sugary foods, as they help to lose minerals from tooth enamel and thus cause tooth decay.
Reduce caffeine, as it is thought to aggravate dry mouth.
Clean the teeth with a soft brush and paste containing fluoride to resist the acids released by the bacteria.
Keep your mouth moist, drink water during meals to help chew and swallow food.
Breathing from the nose, because oral breathing increases dryness.
Rinse with mouthwash containing fluoride.

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