The lazy eye .. The brain does not integrate images

The lazy eye is a condition in which the central vision of the eye is weak without an organic cause, but rather because the brain does not properly combine the two eyes together, causing severe visual impairment, according to the German Association of Pediatricians and Adolescents .

According to the Assocition, the incidence of the eye lazy due to several reasons, including:

Refractive error, ie, differing vision of both eyes.
White water (cataracts) caused by an injury in early childhood.
The problem of infection with the lazy eye in the difficulty of diagnosis, as there are almost no symptoms on the child, resulting in the inability to diagnose doctors of the disease.

In addition, the higher the child's age, the less likely the success of treatment, so vision disorders - such as the lazy eye - should be treated at an early age, as the eyesight can be eliminated more effectively in children between the ages of 20 and 42 months.

According to a medical study published in 2018, one of the reasons behind the "lazy eye" in childhood is how the brain suppresses the eye.

The study was led by researchers at the University of Waterloo, Canada, in collaboration with researchers from the Universities of British Columbia and Auckland in New Zealand, and published in the journal Science and Visual Investigation (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science) scientific.

The lazy eye often remains open, and although the retina is healthy and sends information to the brain, the information does not reach consciousness because the brain chooses not to use it, the study said.