Eating forbidden to pregnant women in the first months

Eating forbidden to pregnant women in the first months 
When a woman discovers that she is pregnant, she begins to change much of her daily routine and diet to ensure the safety of pregnancy and fetus. What about food specifically?
There is some forbidden food for pregnant women in the first months, and for the importance of this particular topic, we offer you the following article to explain these foods. During pregnancy, nutrition plays an important role in the safety of pregnancy, and fetal growth and development is also normal. In turn, diet plays a major role in the early months of pregnancy.

There are a range of foods that are preferred to avoid during the first months of pregnancy, they may cause harm to the fetus and the risk of pregnancy. Here are the most important foods:

1 - soft cheese
Soft cheese is made from unpasteurized milk, which means that it may contain some bacteria that are not disposed of, as in pasteurization. These bacteria will cause food poisoning, a condition that is associated with many of the most disturbing symptoms, including diarrhea and vomiting, symptoms that affect the health of pregnancy negatively.
2 - canned food and factory
Pregnant women in the first months of pregnancy are advised to avoid eating canned and processed foods such as:
the juice
Foods prepared using a microwave
Powder of ready-made cakes
Intensive milk.
These foods contain high amounts of sugar and salt as well, are rich in preservatives, and are free of calories and nutrients, which does not provide the benefit for your horse and your baby.

In addition, some canned foods may contain certain types of bacteria that may cause food poisoning.
3 - Seafood
It is forbidden to eat in the first months, but it does not apply to all types of seafood.

The warning here includes those foods rich in mercury that can cause mercury poisoning, which adversely affects the fetus.

If you like seafood, you should focus on salmon specifically, making sure that the quantities you eat are determined.

4- Papaya
The immature or immature papaya contains latex that will induce the uterus to contract, raising the risk of premature birth or miscarriage in the early months of pregnancy.

In contrast, it is possible to eat ripe papaya for the minerals and vitamins necessary for the body, but moderately and after consultation with the doctor.
If you are a fan of pineapple, we recommend that you stay away from it. It contains a substance called bromelain, which helps relax muscles, which increases the risk of miscarriage.
6 - raw meat and not cooked well
These meat contain different types of bacteria that are not disposed of by cooking and heat, which will negatively affect the health of pregnancy and fetus as well.
If you want to eat meat, make sure it is cooked well to ensure that the bacteria in it are eliminated.

7. Caffeine
For caffeine, it is not prohibited at all, but it is necessary to determine the amount of intake, this article will harm your fetus.

Check with your doctor about whether your health status allows you to take caffeine, while making sure you have enough.

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