Natural Face Masks Before applying make up do not overlook it

Natural Face Masks Before 
applying make up  do not overlook it
THI44.INFO Natural Face Masks Before applying make up  do not overlook it
Natural Face Masks Before applying make up  do not overlook it
Sometimes women complain of the flaws of their skin, and then put the makeup to hide the defects that I talked about instead of being treated before applying makeup!
Some natural fillers will treat the skin and qualify before putting makeup to protect it first and treat it secondly. Among the types of masks that can be applied before makeup, according to the nature of the following skin:
Dry skin:
Those suffering from dry skin suffer from a combination of makeup and appearance in a way that is not desirable at all, so it should be treated
 Dry skin with coconut oil rich in moisturizers as well as its skin nutrients.
 Oily skin:
Unlike the dry skin, the make-up does not work here, but it is so annoying that it disappears. Here, the peeling mask should be used to remove the accumulated fat and restore the skin to balance. The oily skin massage can be applied through two tablespoons of coarse sugar with the daily face lotion and then rubbed with fingers for 10 minutes, In the end rinse with cold water.
 All skin types:
It is composed of a tablespoon of honey with a glass of orange, egg yolk and a gelatin mixture. Mix the ingredients and put on the skin for 20 minutes, wash with water and dry the face well. If the skin is dry, apply a moisturizing cream. Then.

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