Ways To Beat The Throat Without Antibiotics!

Ways To Beat The Throat Without Antibiotics!
There is a recent medical approach that terminates patients or is not allowed to take antibiotics for treatment such as sore throat, and try to provide alternatives, for more than one reason, most notably the increased immunity of diseases and viruses against antibiotics. Recommendations To get rid of sore throat by many alternatives, the following is a set of ways to overcome this debilitating and annoying disease.

Sore throat is a pain or irritation. It is a common disease. It is common in winter. It is associated with many of the causes and most common respiratory diseases such as colds or flu.
Rest the body and sound
Sore throat disease is a frequent and common disease, and the disease usually disappears automatically in about a week. But some people who suffer from this inflammation want to get rid of its effects or at least to alleviate them, and therefore advised to get a lot of rest. Sleeping for enough hours at night is a way to fight disease, as is plenty of fluids, and hot drinks should be avoided. In these cases, ice cubes, ice cream and hard candy are best to help suppress pain and reduce inflammation.

Treatment options
If the patient is uncomfortable, and the need for treatment, it is recommended to take painkillers, or paracetamol or ibuprofen, or absorbent tablets such as Sterbels or tranquilizer, all aimed at pain in the throat. In a study conducted by the British Public Health Authority, it was found that the tablets that help to reduce inflammation, and continue for more than two hours.

Gargling helps warm saline reduce inflammation, but it is not recommended for children. The patient can dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, then gurgle provided that the water is not swallowed. This method of treatment is cheap, inexpensive and available at any time without having to go to the doctor.

No to antibiotic
Often, patients with a sore throat rush to the doctor for an antibiotic because the disease is caused by the virus. Because it is a viral disease, antibiotics are not useful in treatment, describing it as a type of treatment, but it is a common mistake, and even contributes to the increase of viruses resistant to antibiotics. It is worth mentioning that sore throat accounts for a quarter of the unnecessary prescriptions of antibiotics in many countries of the world, and even reached 60% of unnecessary recipes in the United States. It is said that sore throat is often associated with other common colds such as runny nose, coughing and red eyes.

Beware of smoking
Cigarettes and smoking are generally a cause of irritation of sore throat. When the disease occurs, and with irritants, the body tries to get rid of them by coughing and coughing, and increase sore throat worse. Smoking also helps to reduce body immunity, which increases the risk of other bacterial and viral diseases.

Enhance the immune system
Eating healthy, balanced meals is a good way to protect your body from diseases, including flu and sore throat. In the absence of such a balanced diet, prefer to resort to supplements, such as vitamin D. Vitamin D, which is also called the sun's vitamin, is preferred in winter in many countries, especially where the clouds in the sky are scattered throughout this season.
Visit your doctor
Sometimes pharmacies are allowed to dispense some medicines, but in cases of severe stress and congestion, it is preferable to visit a doctor and not rely on the pharmacist. Medical consultation is certainly the best option if it is available most of the time, specifically if the disease lasts more than a week, because, as the Arabs say, "ironing ... the last medicine."

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