What are the risks to preterm infants?

What are the risks to preterm infants?
What are the risks to preterm infants?

Many women give birth prematurely, and have children who may suffer from several problems. What are the health risks to preterm infants?
Fear and stress often appear on pregnant women giving birth to children prematurely, as preterm infants have significant health risks. How can they be avoided?

Children born before the 37th week of pregnancy are called preterm infants, and there are many risks to their health from premature birth.

Potential risks for preterm infants include:
1. Lung is immature
Most children born 36 weeks ago suffer from two unborn lungs, but the degree of lung maturity varies from child to child.

If the mother and health care provider know that the child is an early condition, a amniotic fluid screening test can be performed to check the level of maturity in the lungs.

In some cases, steroid injections are given to the prenatal child in order to accelerate the growth of the lungs, and the immature lungs are associated with the following complications: 
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