Catheterization therapy to prevent diabetic foot amputation

Speaking to Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa, Matar, a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, explained that diabetes affects the peripheral nerves causing inflammation, reducing pain, and causing foot injury without complications.

Diabetes also affects the arteries of the limbs, causing peripheral hemorrhage, which is the main cause of non-healing of wounds and ulcers and the arrival of blood to the foot is weak and inadequate as a result of weakness or obstruction of the arteries feeding the foot.

In addition, this disease can cause small arthritic joints of the feet and toes, leading to deformities in them, as well as affecting the skin such as dryness of the skin and "alkalo", and leads to fungal infections, nail calcification and fungal infections of the nails. Diabetes also causes a decrease in body immunity and resistance to inflammation, including diabetes mellitus.

The consultant advised the treatment of diabetic foot that as a result of nerve damage the patient loses sensation of the limbs, especially the lower limbs, the sensation is the alarm bell that indicates the occurrence of anything harmful to the skin, such as wound, pressure, burning and drought.
In the absence of this warning, the patient will not feel his foot, which causes him to the occurrence of bruises and ulcers without feeling it after the occurrence of complications, and the patient is numb and tingling, and as a result of the lack of nerve delivery of nerve impulses occurs atrophy in the muscles, Calcium in the bones become weak, deformed and prone to any fracture without even feeling the patient.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis
With the appearance of atherosclerosis symptoms, which is the contraction of the muscles of the soles of the leg "integrity" and loss of ability to walk for a long time and the emergence of severe pain at sleep. In advanced cases, ulcers and cracks in the feet appear with no wound healing, and the coldness of the foot or pale or blue color on the weakness of circulation.

As a result of less blood to the foot, they receive less oxygen and nutrients needed to heal the wounds and to fight infection.

When the nerves and arteries are damaged, the diabetic may not notice the simple wounds, which soon develop a serious infection that threatens the health of the foot and the entire lower limb. If not treated, it may also threaten the whole body.
Therapeutic catheter
A colleague of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland noted that in recent years there has been a surge in the use of therapeutic catheters to prevent amputation of the foot, a device such as the needle enters the artery under the influence of local anesthetic.

He explained that the peripheral arteries are enlarged by the balloon with the installation of a metal pillar at times to keep the arteries open to allow the blood to pass through the limbs, resulting in full blood flow to the foot and return the pulse to the patient to leave the hospital on the same day healthy.

The balloon technology has witnessed recent developments, including long and small diameter balloons, which allow the expansion of subcutaneous arteries. The drug-treated stents have also developed significantly, including self-opening supports, which are easily used in narrow-angled arteries.

This type of treatment is the latest in modern atherosclerosis and diabetic foot disease. It opens the door to the hope of saving millions of diabetics from amputations because it allows the expansion of peripheral arteries by catheterization.

Source: German
diabetes 2019