

It is normal for a person to feel anxious or frightened, from time to time. But if the feeling of anxiety is often repeated without any real reason, to the extent that it hinders normal daily life, this person is likely to suffer from anxiety disorder.

This disorder causes excessive and unrealistic anxiety and feelings of fear, which is more than what can be considered a natural reaction to a particular situation.

Types of anxiety
The incidence of anxiety falls down several different types, which include:

Agoraphobia: A fear of fields and presence in public places.
Anxiety disorder due to a medical condition: A type of anxiety is caused by a medical problem and a certain health condition.
Generalized anxiety disorder: Excessive anxiety about doing any activity or engaging in even routine events.
Panic disorder: A series of anxiety and fear that reach its maximum in a few minutes, and may be affected by this type of anxiety and shortness of breath and chest pain.
Selective Mutism: Children fail to speak in specific situations such as being in school.
Separation anxiety: It is a childlike disorder of fear and anxiety about separation from parents.
Social phobia: fear of being involved in social events, feeling ashamed and lacking self-confidence.
Symptoms of anxiety

the question

What are the different types of anxiety disorders?

The answer

There are several known types of anxiety disorders, including:

Panic disorders: People with this condition have a sudden and repeated feeling of panic without warning. Other symptoms of panic attack include sweating, chest pain, palpitations (heart arrhythmia), feeling of suffocation, which can make a person feel like having a heart attack or "madness."

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): People with OCD have persistent thoughts or fears that make them perform a ritual or routine. Disturbing thoughts are called obsessive-compulsive thoughts called vulva. An example of this is a person who suffers from an unreasonable fear of germs, and as a result is constantly washing his hands.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): This is the condition that may develop after a painful or very frightening event, such as sexual assault or other violent attack, the unexpected death of a loved one, or a natural disaster. People who suffer from PTSD are often exposed to frightening and persistent thoughts about the event, and tend to be affectionate (emotionally numb).

Social anxiety disorder: Social phobia is also called. Social anxiety disorder involves anxiety and critical self-awareness for daily social situations. Anxiety is usually centered around the fear of others' judgment, or behavior that would cause confusion and make the person vulnerable to ridicule.

Generalized anxiety disorder: This disorder involves unnecessary and unrealistic anxiety and tension, even if there is almost no, or at all, a basis for this anxiety.

Specific phobia: Specified phobia is the extreme fear of something or situation, such as snakes, highlands or flying. The level of anxiety is usually not commensurate with the situation and can cause the patient to avoid normal everyday situations.


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