Ways to protect children from infectious diseases

Ways to protect children from infectious diseases

Infection occurs due to the infection of a person exposed to the infection of the microbes of this disease, and this occurs in different ways may be through the use of special things for a person infected with this disease, especially with the infant as the natural resistance to disease is still weak is not completed, as well as the child is weak or underweight Or anemic.

    It is not possible to determine the means by which the microbe travels to the body unequivocally, but can reduce the chances of infection by microbes by following some habits of health during daily life.

For the safety of family members, we provide you with the most important health guidelines to protect your children from infectious diseases.

Follow the health means at home:

All members of the family, especially the mother, must adhere to daily health habits such as:

    Provide baby food with sterile clean utensils.

    Isolate the child from any sick person or show symptoms such as sneezing and frequent coughing.

    Assign tools to each member of the family not used by others, such as towels, toothbrushes.

Food Processing on Healthy Basis:

Inflammation of intestinal influenza in children is largely related to eating food or drink contaminated with microbes. So the mother should take care of the food of her baby in clean and healthy ways. Pollution usually occurs either during food processing if the mother uses unclean or contaminated dishes in food preparation, or because she does not personally care to clean her hands while preparing. Infection may occur as a result of food spoilage if it is not freshly eaten or not stored in the refrigerator.

In the top of the foods that are infected with intestinal influenza (Salmonella) bacteria is chicken, so it should be cooked well, and the mother should wash her hands well after the completion of washing the chicken and cook.

If the mother is suffering from diarrhea or intestinal influenza, she should not prepare food, especially for infants, as the microbe can pass to food and infect others.

Prevention of wound contamination:

Skin is an important means of defense against infection, and if injured, the body is exposed to infection with microbes. These microbes may be present on the surface of the skin so it is necessary to clear any wound to the skin and put a bandage on it until the healing occurs.

Deep wounds require special medical care and you should consult your doctor immediately. One of the most dangerous microbes that may be contaminated by wounds is the tetanus virus, which is frequently found in rusty metal objects, so if the child is exposed to a wound, he should be given a tetanus.

Avoid contact with patients:

A large proportion of children are infected with cold, flu or respiratory diseases in general because of their association with adult patients, where it is easy to transmit the infection through the mouth spray volatile, which carries the microbe disease. It should be noted that adults may develop mild infections that do not cause severe or obvious symptoms. If the same infection is transmitted to an infant, it is usually likely to cause severe fatigue and fever in the infant, due to the weak resistance of their bodies to the infection. That their children avoid these direct interactions with adults.

    Sometimes children are exposed to infection indirectly through crowded, poorly ventilated places, or sometimes because parents smoke and cigarette smoke around them. Therefore, the mother must take care to ventilate the house, expose it to the sun every day, and remove dust and dust, which accumulate many microbes.

    The mother must isolate the sick child from infectious disease such as measles or mumps from the rest of the family until he is cured.

Follow the above guidelines to keep your children healthy and to protect your family from many diseases.

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