Fast food damage

Fast food damage

Weight gain Fast food intake leads to a potential increase in weight in one study, especially among children and adolescents, because they contain high amounts of sugar and fat in their composition, which is why the body has a large amount of calories (1) Asthma and shortness of breath Fast food affects the health of the respiratory system and causes some problems such as asthma and shortness of breath. This infection is most pronounced in children B. Studies, especially those who eat this type of food at a rate of three times a week. The reason for this infection is that eating fast food is linked to obesity and weight gain, and linked weight gain in turn increased pressure on the heart and lungs, the symptoms of this stress in the form of difficulty breathing (2) Other effects of fast food The following points address some of the negative effects and damages associated with eating junk food: [3] Fast food intake causes the body to be unable to regulate the level Insulin, due to the high sugar content. High-fat content of saturated fat affects the metabolism of the body; it makes it slow. Statistics show that nearly 51% of fast-food consumers are more likely to develop long-term depression. The risk of heart disease increases by 20% in people who eat fast food at a rate of once a week. The percentage of those who consume it increases by two or three times a week to 50%, while it increases to about 80% for those who eat fast food 4 times a week compared to others. People who eat fast food more than twice a week are more likely to have diabetes, up to 27% more than others.

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