Get rid of cracked feet

1 = cracked feet
A = Methods of getting rid of cracked feet
B = home remedies

 medical care
Cracked feet Cracked heels are one of the most common foot problems. This condition is characterized by dryness, increased thickness of the skin in the soles of the feet and cracking. This causes the patient to be disturbed from the appearance of the feet and to seek treatment and disposal, Especially if the cracks are deep and painful, or caused the swelling of the area affected by cracking and redness. It should be noted that the fracture of the feet make them more vulnerable to bleeding and infection, so should not be neglected, [1] It is worth mentioning that one of the reasons that may lead to cracking the feet: Aging, dryness of the atmosphere As well as the possibility of suffering from fractures of the feet due to some problems and health disorders such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, and poor Nutrition. [2] Ways to get rid of cracked feet

* Ways to get rid of cracking the feet * Home remedies There are many home remedies available to get rid of the cracking of the feet, and the following is a statement of some of them: [3] The use of foot ointments: Foot ointments are the first treatment line to eliminate the problem of cracking the feet, For the best results, it is recommended to use the foot lotion in the morning to maintain the soles of the heel of the feet during the day, and the use of moisturizer to the feet two to three times a day, and it is important when buying Ointment for feet Select a type containing one or more of the following ingredients: Urea, Salicylic acid, or Alpha-hydroxy acids. Use of the ointment may cause In the sense of tingling or irritation in the area affected by cracking, and this is normal and does not require fear or anxiety, but the occurrence of irritation or severe sensitivity in the skin after the use of ointment requires consultation or see the doctor to solve the problem. Crushing areas of the heel: The problem in the case of cracked feet heel that the areas affected by cracking are more severe and dry as we said, and to solve this problem can be cracked and cracked areas, it is worth noting that the peeling heel foot is dry can cause serious damage to the skin , So the safe method of peeling the feet and their feet depends on the following steps: Soak the feet in warm water for no more than twenty minutes. Pumice Stone, known as black stone in the heel of the feet. Dry the feet, taking into account not to rub them vigorously, but to soften them. Applying an ointment or moisturizer is appropriate on the feet and can then put a layer of petroleum jelly to maintain moisture for as long as possible. Wear socks after finishing. Honey: Honey gives many benefits in this case. It has antibacterial and other microorganisms, helps to clean the wounds, moisturizes the skin. It can also be used as a natural skin peeler after soaking, or apply a layer of it to the cracked skin before bedtime and wash it when waking. . Coconut Oil Coconut oil is commonly used in cases of skin dryness, psoriasis or eczema. This is due to its ability to maintain skin moisture. It also helps to fight inflammation and bacterial infections, making it an excellent choice in cases Cracking of the feet, since cracking makes the feet vulnerable to infection and bleeding. Use of other natural substances: The use of the following natural materials can help to solve the problem of dry skin: Put some vinegar in the foot bath. Moisturize the feet using olive oil, shea butter, or banana puree. Use paraffin wax to keep the feet moist. Mix the oatmeal with some of the oil and use it in peeling the feet. Eating foods rich in healthy fatty acids: Eating foods rich in healthy fatty acids, such as walnuts, canola oil and flaxseed, helps to eliminate the problem of dry skin, and reduces the loss of skin because of its moisture and water. [2] Use of Lanolin ) The use of topical preparations containing lanolin provides the necessary hydration for areas affected by dehydration and scaling, whether in the feet or in any other area of ​​the body.

Medical Care In the event of a severe foot fracture, or if the patient does not notice any improvement in the case of a fracture of his feet in spite of previous household methods, consult your doctor for appropriate, more vigorous and effective treatment. The medical care provided by the doctor is often based on the following methods The doctor removes the hardened parts of the skin using special tools and equipment. Here we caution that it is important not to try to remove the hardened skin layers at home with a blade or scissors, as this makes the feet vulnerable to infection. Put dressings on the heel of the foot. Description of special medical glue, which re-paste cracks and gaps in the skin and help each other to heal. Describe more powerful and effective materials to treat cracking of feet and removing dead skin layers. Encourage the patient to use special types of shoe shine, which helps to redistribute the weight on the heel while wearing. Description of an appropriate antibiotic in the event of heel foot injury.

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