Leptin .. Hormone satiety

Leptin is a hormone that works to regulate the body's energy balance, inhibition of eating and thus stimulating weight loss. It is now believed that some obese people may have resistance to leptin hormone.

Lptin is also known as the satiety hormone, which reverses the action of the hormone ghrelin.

Leptin is mainly produced from the body's fatty tissues, and is produced in small amounts in other human tissues, such as the stomach, placenta and heart.

After the secretion of fatty tissue to the circulatory system, leptin signals are sent to the brain, giving information about the state of the body's energy stores, leading to a decrease in food consumption and an increase in energy metabolism in the body and thus burning more calories.

Leptin has an effect on various biological mechanisms including initiation of puberty, immune and inflammatory response, vascular formation, bone formation and wound healing.

Leptin functions act as a feedback mechanism that refers to the main brain regulatory centers to discourage eating and regulate body weight.

Leptin stimulates weight loss by inhibiting eating and stimulating metabolism. Scientists have suggested that leptin may play a role in controlling the size of a person's meal.

According to German professor Juergen Tesully, lack of sleep may hinder weight loss, because lack of sleep limits the body's secretion of leptin, which helps to feel full, while causing the body to increasingly release ghrelin, Hunger.