Study: Pregnancy after 30 lengthens women's age 

Can pregnancy timing really affect a mother's life? Yes, this is confirmed by a study of researchers from the Faculty of Medicine at Boston University, pointed out that there is a relationship between the time of pregnancy and the length of the mother.

Through the extensive study of 551 families, women who were pregnant after reaching the age of 30 were found to have a longer life expectancy than those who had given birth to the last child before the age of 30.

The study found that women whose bodies are pregnant at a later age age more slowly, and this is the most important findings of the scientific study.

However, research director Paula Sebastian confirmed that the industrial pregnancy did not give the same results in prolonging life. She says that women who have a late pregnancy seem to have a body and reproductive system that grow older at a slower pace. Slower than others.

The study also highlighted striking details. In all participating families, there were women of advanced age. It was found that 462 mothers who reached the age of 33 years or older were aged 95 years or older.