Causes of flatulence and natural ways to treat it

Causes of flatulence and natural ways to treat it

Abdominal swelling of the troublesome problems suffered by many and accompanied by disorders in the digestive system, such as constipation, diarrhea and severe colic. According to the site nhsinform there are many reasons that lead to bloating abdomen

Causes of flatulence

1: Because of swallowing a large amount of air while eating.

2: Gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation and gastroenteritis are the main causes of flatulence.

3: Neuropathy.

4: Crohn's disease, one of the diseases that cause severe swelling.

5: Diabetes, may cause swelling and gastritis.
6: ulcerative colitis.

7: pancreatitis.

Tips for treating flatulence
1: Keep away from eating some foods that increase the bulge (cauliflower, onion, radish, broccoli, bananas, raisins, dairy products soft drinks, sugars, cereals).

2: Take care to eat three times a day, and chew food well to avoid gastrointestinal problems and infections.

3: Frequent drinking of water regularly and warm natural fluids.

4: Regular exercise, it helps to promote the health of the body and breathing and treatment of bulge and exhaustion.

5: It is possible to eat coal tablets, it helps to treat swelling, but in the case of swelling caused by some diseases, it is necessary to treat the basic problem and treatment of swelling.

There are some natural recipes for treating bloating

Natural recipes for the treatment of flatulence

1: Fennel drink, helps to promote the health of the digestive system and get rid of bloating and gases.

2: Chamomile drink, contains a high percentage of vitamins and nutrients that work on the treatment of bloating and stomach infections.

3: Cumin boiled, Cumin contains a large proportion of vitamins and some elements that help to promote the health of the digestive system and the elimination of gas and bloating.

4: Anise, a herb that contains some properties that treat gastrointestinal disorders.

5: Cinnamon: Contains some properties that help to treat colic and bloating.

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