Treatment of urine pus .. Know the causes and diagnosis

Treatment of urine pus .. Know the causes and diagnosis

The presence of a pus in the urine means the presence of a large number of white blood cells in the urine, where doctors determine at least 10 white blood cells per cubic millimeter of urine, and cause pus darker color in the urine.

Urinary pus often according to the report of the site "medicalnewstoday" inflammation of the urinary tract, in rare cases, where it can be a sign of complicated urinary tract infection or sepsis.

Causes of urine pus

Causes of pus in the urine
Urinary pus can occur due to many different conditions, but the most common occurs due to inflammation of the urinary tract, which is inflammation in any area of ​​the urinary system that includes kidney, ureter, urethra, or bladder.

Urinary pus often occurs through sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea or viral infections.

Other reasons may include:

Interstitial cystitis.



Urinary tract stones.

Kidney disease.

Prostate inflammation.


Autoimmune diseases such as SLE.


The presence of tumors in the urinary tract.

Urinary pus can react as a reaction to certain medications, including:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


Antibiotics penicillin.

Treatment of urine pus

Symptoms of pus pus
In the case of urinary tract infection, symptoms may also include:

Frequent sensation of urination.

Burning sensation when urinating.

Blood in urine.

The smell of urine is foul.

Pain in the pelvis.

Treatment of urine pus
Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the pus. Urinary tract infections usually cause a pus in the urine and the treatment involves a short course of antibiotic treatment.

Antibiotics can also treat sexually transmitted diseases, borne by bacteria and tuberculosis, and if there is no improvement after taking antibiotics in full, there may be a more serious disease.

In some cases, stopping the drugs that lead to increased white blood cells may lead to urinary incontinence. However, it is necessary to consult your doctor before stopping or changing any medications.

Urinary pus during pregnancy
Urinary incontinence and urinary tract infection often occur during pregnancy due to anatomical and hormonal changes during pregnancy that allow bacteria to enter the urinary tract and grow inside it.

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